In the Begining...
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting...
Yes, it was Eternal Darkness that brought the GCL together believe it or not, it was a simple ED chat on AIM that I got into from Gamefaqs. There, I encountered 2 people that pretty much created the GCL together. AznLink090 and ShdwLionHrt85. We made a chat room seperate from the ED one and talked all night about how we all loved Nintendo and what we expected from the upcoming games, as well as the classic Nintendo Games.
The next day, AznLink had posted a topic up on Gamefaqs about an AIM chat...this chat was of course called THE GAMECUBE LOUNGE here, I met DJK, IR and ZF I believe, though I didn't talk to ZF much. There were others but I never talked to them agian. ZF was rememered for just saying "..." the whole time, he said nothing else. DJK, izR3y at the time, IR and I had all been left alone in the GCL, quite bored. We decided to make a plan to attack non-cubers...
The plan was to simply make a chat room, post it on Gamefaqs and lure some ps2ers/xboxers into a AIM chat, this time it was the lucky PS2ers. We acted as if we loved the PS2 and everything. Then a flood of bots came in. We of course acted like it wasn't us. We fled to many rooms, over possibly 2 hours of bashing. We all ended up in one room with 2 other people...Frankie something and LynxtheDarkSoul. Lynx left right as the bots entered this room. DJK, made a new SN "Lynxthedarks'0'ul" Came back in, and said he was doing it. Frankie, the newbie thought it was the real Lynx and kept asking "Why did you do it?" We framed the hell out of Lynx and got away with it. This was the first GCL battle...ever since, the plans have never changed...they haven't been as good as the first either.
That's basicaly how the GCL was formed, along the way we got more members by posting new GCL AIM chats on Gamefaqs/or bumping old topics. Many members came to GCL nightly.
Gamecube Lounge was Born. |