I had some "grilled cheese" flavoured lays the other day. Disappointing.
What is THE all-time best flavour of potato chip?
Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chip Brand or Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos

I see the juice household is a fan of their tangy vinegar chips.
Follow-up question for you two: Do you put vinegar on your french fries?

No, but now you said it, I would... but what kind of vinegar do I use? Malt, Apple Cider, or distilled? Probably Malt right?
habanero, but I try not to buy the most delicious flavor because I'll end up eating the whole bag

eatin' the whole bag
is not a crime,
if that's true,
I'll do my time
Crab chips, although you guys probably don't have em. They're actually not crab flavored like maybe your Asian chips might be, but they're crab seasoning flavored. And let me tell you, they are AMAZIN!!!

Ooh, I've had Prawn chips from the chinese store, but never something as fancy as crab!
I mean a plain potato chip is epic but if I had to choose a flavored one... it'd be a kettle cooked salt and vinegar chip.
Ok um we have a new contender so I might have to put this in here also i just tried Italian hoagie chips and they are incredible...
I can taste salami, oil, oregano, even a lil bit of bread, it's crazy!!! And the taste is actually pretty dang good!!!
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