Independence day > any movie about a lot
I had a mix of Raisins, Almonds, and Tostitos crumbs.
I work in a sauna, so I drank a megaton of water.
That ape is not a dude, man.
A tense standoff, who will change the time settings? Will England time truly win this war? FIND OUT NEXT TIME.
No way it's like a second wind of cheeto flavour after you've eaten the entire bag.
Hmm well Kansas is a lot different than Virginia, so the method I prescribed jyank is inappropriate for you. You just need to wait for the inevitabl...
Damn, this caramel cake never ends.
yes dear, I will rocket dick with you
Caramel cake. Thrown the black cat off of me like 30 times already, she is persistent.
Posted by: ladyjuice Please help me too Dunno your cartoon trees look pretty happy and are not spontaneously combusting yet.
HRRRRRRGN! Okay, stream activated!
Wow don't forget about field of dreams and mighty ducks, EMILIO!
You wouldn't download a cocktail. I am now DLing a coffee.
Oh, you dirty monkey!
The mobile game was my first foray, can't wait for the Switch game in 2018. If I manage to find a gap in Nintendos amazing release schedule, I may bu...
Excellent, it's hacking time!
Don't listen to the jyank, it's totally worth it.
Posted by: Apple idgi how does peanut butter eating make you a freak? Ok good I just feel like I'm the only one, thx for tha support fellow PB l...
I'm currently downing a MOJITO. Moe-jeeto, since we're being all rednecky in here.
Yeah really some of us have a life.
Damn what an estimable gamer!
Yes, she is here for the gamer bang.
Oh okay so it's a bastardized midwest dialect. Ughhhhgghghhghhhhhh.
Sign of a quality gamer right there. Who brought home Superman 64? Oh well, let's fire it up.
don't forget to tell me all about the things your mother did before she was married, what was her name then?
Bongo Bongo is the best OoT boss, it's all downhill from there. jk, Ganondorf is cool too.