
what are some of yo...
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what are some of your most played games of all time in terms of hours?

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I tend to jump around from game to game a lot and not play much that is competitive or MMO so I never really rack up hundreds of hours in a single game.

I put 400 on WoW back in 2006 and that is probably the most for me.

In a normal game I put nearly 200 hours into Tales of Vesperia getting 100% achievements back in like '07.

Probably about 200 hours into Pokemon Diamond & Pearl back when they were originally released, and then I went through Platinum last year for another ~25.

I tend to play a LOT of single player games though, and only beat them 1-3 times in my life, so generally don't get over a hundred hours. 

My top 25 most played games since January 1st, 2015

1. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NS) [75h20m] 
2. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) [56h30m] 
3. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) [51h40m] 
4. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) [48h40m] 
5. Pokemon Y (3DS) [42h00m] 
6. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (3DS) [41h20m] 
7. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) [39h20m] 
8. Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS) [37h10m] 
9. Paper Mario (N64) [35h50m] 
10. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (PSP) [35h35m] 
11. Pokemon Moon (3DS) [34h50m] 
12. Pokemon White (NDS) [33h35m] 
13. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) [30h50m] 
14. Pokemon Omega Ruby (3DS) [30h20m] 
15. Grand Theft Auto III (PC) [28h55m] 
16. Mother 3 (GBA) [28h50m] 
17. Super Mario Maker (Wii U) [28h15m] 
18. Pokemon Platinum (NDS) [28h00m] 
19. Final Fantasy V (GBA) [27h10m] 
20. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA) [26h30m] 
21. Pokemon Crystal (GBC) [26h16m] 
22. Legend of Zelda: Ocarnia of Time 3D (3DS) [24h55m] 
23. Suikoden (PSX) [24h00m] 
24. Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA) [23h55m] 
25. Pokemon Emerald (GBA) [23h40m]

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Time spent in WoW and FFXI is probably in the thousands, don't have an exact count since both were over the course of 10+ years. 

More recently, I have nearly 600 hours in Overwatch, ~200 in Animal Crossing New Leaf, 200+ in Civ5. I tend to not play too many single player games as I get bored. 

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Over 2,300hrs in CS:GO not including alternate smurf accounts (three I've played on) and source/cs prior.

Over 1,000hrs in Brawl, not sure about Sm4sh but I recall seeing over 1k in the Brawl statistics.

And other stuff.

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Posted by: Apple

Over 2,300hrs in CS:GO not including alternate smurf accounts (three I've played on) and source/cs prior.

Over 1,000hrs in Brawl, not sure about Sm4sh but I recall seeing over 1k in the Brawl statistics.

And other stuff.


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600+ hours in New Leaf

800+ hours in Sm4sh

800+ hours in Monster Hunter 3

1000+ hours in Brawl

200,000,000,000 hours in Bebe's Kids (still on the first level)

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silent hills 1 and 2

suikodens 1 and 2

in that order, then the next tier would be diablo 2, arcanum, nhl '09 and '10 playin online league shit with my boyz against other teams like every night so that prob accounts for a lot of hours, doom, cs mostly 1.4 and 1.5, tfc

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Pokemon X

Animal Crossing New Leaf


Skyward Sword

OoT (still in progress but have put lots of time into it)

Mario Kart 8

Monster Hunter 3

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WOW is probably tops, SOCOM and SOCOM II, maybe Ridge Racer 7 is up there too. I have no idea how many hours I've played most games tbh.

Certain games stick in my memory more, and I feel as though I've spend a long time with them. I have no way to quantify whether I actually played them a whole bunch, or the experience was so vivid it only seems that way.

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Varied gamers up in here! I played a nice chunk o' time on that SOCOM series myself. Great times, rip. Too bad the Insurgency mod died out, it was really good.

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SOCOM2 what memories....

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I had a lot of memories with 1/2. Then my brother and all his college buds got into SOCOM 3/CA. So I hopped back into SOCOM years later and played a ton of  3/CA with all his friends. Really good times with the series.

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i did forget, i probably put like 300-400 hours back into the original counter-strike (whatever the fuck numbering system it is)

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it is based on the patch or whatever

1.6 was the final major update and most popular / most played

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cs is like 800 hours (including idle time tho)

new leaf like 300+ but that might have been a waste i think i lost my ds games rip never gonna put time into a game again

other stuff i played briefly, payday 2, terraria, around 100 i think.

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wut u get back from a game INSIDE urself is bigga den any playtime counta....


neva forget dat

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Ive spent probably over 500 hours in every pokemon game after and including gen 5, 822 in payday 2, 486 in left 4 dead 2, 165 in puyo tetris, 402 in dota 2, 350 in sf4, 199 hrs in civ 5, 102 in dark souls 3, among other games

and probably over 100 in gimmick but idk

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I know a lot of my Pokemon outings are over 100 hours for sure. Gen 4 was over 400 last I recall and 5 was similar, maybe a little less. Only Gen 6 was left to die once I completed it. Love those games tho!!!

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Posted by: Apple

wut u get back from a game INSIDE urself is bigga den any playtime counta....


neva forget dat

u dont understand i was building up my town to be nice and had all these items n money n i cant get any of dat back

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prolly just unda ya bed np


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