Is Super Mario Odyssey good?
It's not good

it's just a Lucky Charms ripoff ... fukn mario trying to be Lucky the Leprechaun
It's ok but its no masterpiece
we are really getting somewhere thank you
to me "not remarkable" makes me think average
yeah i have a general distaste for things that are clamored as the GOAT GOTG out of the gate... but u gotta set that aside sometimes n let go.... i think botw has a more annoying case of this and i feel those HUAGH vibes myself towards the game because of it. n den i take a second n regroup n i rememba the enjoyment i got from the game and i think its good. u cant get cot up in dis anti-hype hell ok u gotta do u
it's better than ok, it's a masterpiece 10/10
everyone says so
It's a damn fine game. Period.
Don't give me this hipster crap when you denigrate a genuinely great game because it's too popular.
there might be some valid complaints! cmon now! even tho i think the game is remarkable myself.
Its forgettable fun while it lasted but no lasting appeal
lil jyank will love it ok u betta make sure he plays it ty