milk to wash down the terrible flat ginger ale + vodka I had before that
While on a walk today I spontaneously combusted, so I had to run into the river before I burned to death. However, the river was boiling it truly was ...
you gave my colour sensory brain control centre a blue screen
WTF. Just put your damn vote in the box or I swear to god I'll call up Crocodile Dundee and then you'll be forced to vote BY LAW.
CAPS. ANGRY. YELLING. I like the titles, them wordpress guys have good rankings.
O how do I make such miracles happen?
great content its really gonna generate some buzz by promoting synergy among the members and net us some sweet ROI
Elaborate! Let us hear the wise words of gamma.
Gamma get in on this literal festival of a game where you actually paint the town red
General! From what I'm hearing it is YOU who is a new gamer.
might get some gaming happening later on, who knows!?
Oh god I hate that scene! Don't dig out your eye! *gives you the key* Hey I'm not the guy Jigsaw I just have a spare key ok.
I am also listening to the calming sound of a fan from the 2:45 position, but it is not oscillating right now. The sound of an ambulance siren racing ...
Later on I'll find out if my 2002 CD-ROM for RCT2 will install on this 2017 Windows 10 machine. First I'll excavate my external USB CD drive. Or it'...
+ the translation will be a proper Treehouse translation, real legit stuff, I don't trust fans with important things like that
This is a sad day, the house of GCL is split along dessert lines.
Right, they should rebuild all of Castle Town and Lon Lon Ranch and have wild festivals with lots of minigames like Bombchu bowling. The DLC is abou...
Posted by: ladyjuice What is the last game you purchased? ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON 2 : TRIPLE THRILLS PACK What year is it? must!
It might also say "Copyright 1995 - 2017 Nintendo" + official release on Ninty hardware > rom
Day 2. The heat warning continues. 702 prayers made the morning slightly bearable, but that SUN is coming around for another pass. 🙁
Too bad, it was a Caesar. Now I'm having Coffee.
100% Cyborg, so like 50% human then
djk never leaves, he'll come around
Eggs benedict
Now here's a real test, I'm drinking something, who can name it? No cheating! It contains: Clamato (Clam & Tomato juice), Vodka, Celery sal...
Hmm Transistor looks pretty cool, I shoved it into the PS Plus folder, haven't touched it yet.