DinoTime Comics
DinoTime Comics
The artistic voyage of Christopherzilla! Oh, Boy! What a fun voyage to be on! His work has inspired smiles and feelings for many within this gamer establishment. You need not know the context of these (sometimes) monumental scenes to enjoy the colorful and fun nature each piece has. Please take a moment as we explore the wonderful world of Christopherzilla’s DinoTime Comics.
Notable Exhibitions
Christopherzilla’s contributions to the GCL / P-Wing community have become iconic almost over night. Whether we’re mourning the departure of a close friend or just having a good time his work captures the raw feeling of the moment.
Bricked Wall
Gamma’s Departure
Gamer Paradise
Time to dive into the complete collection of DinoTime Comics. Be sure to check back often for updates! Enjoy!
- Apple Being Bossy About How High We Fly
- Refia’s Tamagotchi son Lemon Boi shitting on BotW
- An avatar for Sleepytimer
- this fucking guy
- RIP Sacha
- GCL Gold Account
- we had a panda in GCL but he flew away
- Ladyjuice requested to be depicted as a cat girl.
- A logo for Sickdoe’s shop.
- Official 2018 Dinotime Comics Halloween Doodle
- Hero
- Apple being proud for some reason.
- Someone in GCL recorded a video of smashing Mario 64 with a hammer.
- an album cover for PRG
- Inspired by Gamma’s discord avatar.
- PRG coming to terms with his flooded basement
- trying to come up with a character design for Ladyjuice, needs more work!
- GCL / P-Wing Logo
- Apple missing gamma
- Weekend Gaming
- Mario Paint!
- The Greatest Story Ever Told
- Being welcomed into gamer paradise.
- Tecmo P-Wing Bowl
- There are more bricked Xbox 360’s than there are bricks, so Yoshi put them to good use in building a wall.
- The Gammamemorial
The world needs more of what you see here. Cheerful and fun depictions of those we surround ourselves with. This all makes all the people involved in GCL / P-Wing’s happenings a little more brighter and happier!
“His art makes
me want to make
games again. like real games.”
Shigeru Miyamoto
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