The Greatest Pokémon Ever 2018 User Nominations (CLOSED)

Wow! (Did not see this coming!!!)

Hello and welcome to the OFFICIAL P dash WING dot NET Greatest Pokémon Ever Nominations post!!! Very soon we will be hosting an absolutely INSANE poll competition between Pokémon. How do we decide who is nominated? Well that’s your job! Every member is allowed to nominate and all nominations are automatically put into the bracket! So NOM AWAY!!!!

Guidelines for making nominations

  • Every member is allowed to nominate 2 Pokémon. (All forms allowed.)
  • Only one entry per Pokémon.
  • Nominations must be left below in the comment section.

We will be voting on fandom solely, this is not a battle of who you think would win in a fight. It’s essentially a popularity contest and the most beloved character shall win. So follow your heart gamers, get out there and nominate. Once we have all nominations the bracket will be made and the intense character battle war will begin. Stay tuned for intense polls where the people (YES YOU!) will be voting on your favorite Pokémon in an ALL OUT BRAWL!!!! 

Pokémon Nominated by
Alakazam Refia
Arcanine Apple
Articuno prg
Banette AquaLaFlor
Bidoof Rawk
Bulbasaur Kuro
Butterfree gamma
Charmander Yoshi
Darkrai ladyjuice
Detective Pikachu Rawk
Ditto Sacha
Dragonair Mock
Dunsparce pocketroid
Gengar Refia
Haunter Hero
Ho-oh pocketroid
Ivysaur Kuro
Jynx Gamblor
Kabutops prg
Klefki Gamblor
Magikarp Blue Hedgehog
Meowth (Team Rocket) Gundam
Milotic AquaLaFlor
Mimikyu Yoshi
Probopass Christopherzilla
Raichu Hero
Starmie gamma
Togepi Gundam
Torterra ladyjuice
Tyranitar Christopherzilla
Volcarona Apple

Pokémon table will be updated as nominations are made!


  • Apple says:

    I am going to bring the HEAT to this competition!

    Arcanine and Volcarona I choose you!

  • Refia says:

    I’m gonna go ahead and nominate the two winners now.

    What???? Two pokemon can’t win??????????? Excuse me???????????

    Alakazam and Gengar, easily.

  • Sacha says:

    I think ditto deserve an award for being so helpful in getting shiny pokemons , different natures and ability he also can reproduce rare pokemon you can only get once. He definitely is the greatest

  • Refia says:

    Haha oh man took me a while to stop laughing at that sick joke you just made. Picking ditto and then making the same post twice??? Only the funniest here at GCL.

  • Christopherzilla says:

    I nominate Tyranitar and Probopass

  • Gamblor says:

    Black Jynx and the pokemon thats a set of keys

  • Hero says:

    Raichu and Haunter

  • Kuro says:

    henceforth let it be known that i hath chosen bulbasaur and its firste evolution bearing the appellation of ivysaur

  • Rawk says:

    Detective Pikachu

  • Yoshi says:


  • Blue Hedgehog says:

    magikarp because he shows up what we can become with enough determination

  • AquaLaFlor says:



  • Gundam says:

    I nominate the following:


    2. Team rocket’s meowth

  • pocketroid says:

    If spotted, it escapes by burrowing with its tail. It can float just slightly using its wings.

    It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted trainer by shining its bright rainbow-colored wings.

  • ladyjuice says:

    I’m going to nominate

    DaRkRaI – tHe EmO pOkEmoN

    Torterra – my first pokemon

  • prg says:



  • Mock says:

    Dragonair, forever and ever the most beautiful best dragon eel pokemon! Press B or else it turns into a fugly Dragonite!

    • Refia says:

      Excuse me???? Dragonite is a strong powerful dragon who dont need no eels. How can you say you even love a pokemon when you wont even let it evolve???? And those base stats…don’t get me started. Slapping around hoes with dragon dance boosted extremespeed and earthquake??? Now that’s a pokemon. Hoo boy I love Dragonite, what a team player. Now I KNOW this says to disregard in game viability but to me this stuff is all one and the same. If you can’t battle, you’re goin in the trash bin, bud, just how it is. It’s a rough world out there in pokemon and only the strongest survive. Picking just based on attractiveness???? Pah! Verily I say competitiveness IS attractive! And so what if he’s sort of outclassed now, he’s still been a god for most of the games and that’s good enough for me!!!!

      …with that set aside, and also setting aside that Canadian bacon is, in fact, just ham, we are all missing you over on a certain Internet Relay Chat channel, gamer.

      • Mock says:

        The evolution of Dragonair is anything but!
        Dragonite rides the short bus to cousin Barney’s day home.
        p.s. Gengar attends the same, Haunter forever!

      • Mock says:

        The evolution of Dragonair is anything but!
        Dragonite rides the short bus to cousin Barney’s day home.
        p.s. Gengar attends the same, Haunter forever!

        • Refia says:

          Look I just outlined why Dragonite is the best. Enjoy your stunted growth pokemon that will never evolve or achieve anything in life, I bet they’ll go real far. AND NOW GENGAR TOO??? Guy is a beast ok? How dare you. Gengar will blast your ass straight to your grave in Lavender Town. You’re lucky we’re not building a wall to keep out the Canadians that can’t even evolve their pokemon to their superior forms. Ridiculous. I’ll have to phone Trump and let him know about this because as a Pokemon fan, he will NOT be happy.

          Sayin they’re on the short bus?????? Where does that leave their less intelligent and less powerful previous forms then????? Don’t make no sense, gamer!!! Dragonite and Gengar are true homies and if you loved Haunter and Dragonair you would love them too. Beauty ain’t just skin deep. This is pokemon, and you’re lucky your own Haunter doesn’t Shadow Ball you for your incompetence as a trainer. Have a GREAT day and farewell.

  • Apple says:

    This is going to be one INTENSE battle! Amazing!!!

  • Mock says:

    “I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.”

    I nominate Mewtwo, the philosopher pokemon!

  • Willie says:

    I nominate Mew, because that is the highest number Pokemon!

    And Klang that is totally a good design for a Pokemon.

    • Mock says:

      Umm you forgot about Togepi, Snubbull, and Marill, the only Pokemon numbered higher than Mew, but nobody knows which one is 152, 153, or 154 since they didn’t show that information in Pikachu’s Vacation.

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