Game Hub: Ghosts ‘n Goblins



The beautiful princess is kidnapped. Her lover, the Knight in shining armor, armed with five different weapons to fight the enemy, sets out to rescue the beautiful princess. The Knight, aided by your skill, must pass through seven different guarded gates, fighting and destroying demons, dragons, giants and zombies. There are hidden characters, too! Some friends, some foes. Ghosts ‘N Goblins is exciting… challenging you and the Knight to rescue the princess, amid great danger, escaping Hades, land of the enemies!

  • Nintendo Entertainment System
  • Developed/Published: Micronics / Capcom
  • Release: November 1986
  • Also Known As: Makai-Mura (JP), Ghost ‘n Goblins (EU)
  • Franchise:  Ghosts ‘n Goblins
  • Also on:  AMI, AND, ARC, C64, CPC, GBA, GBC, IOS, MOBI, PC, ST, WS, ZX
Naked Guy
Ghost People
Shrek Men

User Engagement

I’ve tried this game!
I’ve beat this game!
I’ve done the P-Wing Challenge!
I’ve tried this game!

Have you ever tried this game out before? What did you think?

Played by: ladyjuice, gorey, Mock

I’ve beat this game!

Have you ever beat this game’s first play-through? Welcome to the hall of gamer heroes.

Completed by: Apple, Refia, prg

I’ve done the P-Wing Challenge!

This Game’s P-Wing Challenge: Complete the second play-through the game requests you to do.

Completed by: prg

User Reviews

I’ve always enjoyed this game! It has always been an extremely ugly game to look at but enjoyable to keep plugging away at. I’m not overly impressed with the enemy design or the level design but it does have its charm in seemingly being sloppily put together. I wouldn’t say it’s a masterpeice but it is definitely above average and overall a positive experience.

Food Mover / Famicom Extraordinaire
I had ghosts ‘n goblins when i was a kid. i could never beat the game because it’s too fucking hard. Always thought it was stupid that Arthur is always running around in his underwear. put some clothes on. Lucifer is the ultimate cockblock.

Enthusiastic Gamer
“NES port of Ghosts and Goblins isn’t as bad as people say but it’s not really that good either. Be aware that a certain level of masochism on the player’s part is recommended to get through this”

Full Review

Genesis Crusader / Devoutly Epic
This dude needs to invest in some real armour? A friggin crow flys into it, or a flower spits some pollen, and it falls to bits! This game is the worst of the NES mindset – really short game made LOOONG by awful enemy placement and cheap deaths. I never played this game in my childhood, and I’m glad for it, barely anything redeeming in this game besides the cool environments.

Canadian Gamer / Photograph Lover
I didn’t play it as a kid but I struggled through it as a teenager. This game is very unfair, it just spams enemies at you. But there’s just something about it that makes you wanna get thru it all. The torch existing at all is basically a giant troll, and one of the moments in gaming that has me sweatin the most when I have to jump around/over one that fell on the ground. I plan to replay this on stream soon and get the TRUE endin so look forward to it!!! I still don’t think it’s a great game though honestly the checkpoints could be permanent or the challenge could be adjusted…yeah it’s NES where everything is hard but this game stands out as harder than even most of the era.

Gimmick Gamer

Aggregate Score


Based on 5 scores.

P-Wing Scoring Scale
0/100 = Worst, 10/100 = Horrendous, 20/100 = Very Poor, 30/100 = Poor, 40/100 = Below Average, 50/100 = Average, 60/100 = Above Average, 70/100 = Good, 80/100 = Great, 90/100 = Amazing, 100/100 = Best

Experience Share

“I used to pretend get angry at this game with my friend Jake. We used to act like we cared so much that it showed you the mini-map every time you died and shouted “I KNOW! WHERE I’M AT!” It was very epic. I also punched a hole in my hallway wall while I was “pretend angry” this one time.”

Food Mover / Famicom Extraordinaire


Mock: I get down to this house here and died approximately 211937 times, I've had enough!
Mock: I get down to this house here and died approximately 211937 times, I’ve had enough!
Mock: My strategy here is just to run like a maniac!
Mock: My strategy here is just to run like a maniac!
Mock: I made it to level two! Hooray, I've never done this before!
Mock: I made it to level two! Hooray, I’ve never done this before!
Mock: Love spending loads of time in the menu system, great RPG gameplay!
Mock: Love spending loads of time in the menu system, great RPG gameplay!
prg clowning on ogres.
prg clowning on ogres.
Apple's Ghosts 'n Glory Hole.
Apple’s Ghosts ‘n Glory Hole.


  • Apple says:

    I would comment but all my commentary is published above already! Heh!

    Arthur musta been doin somethin right cause he is dang near naked in that graveyard with that girl o his!!!

    i will add everyones information as it comes in.

  • ladyjuice says:

    I was forced to play this and I got trolled with the controls by Apple…

  • prg says:

    I actually have beaten this twice and gotten the real ending. I didn’t have this cartridge as a kid – I didn’t play much of the game until college. I kept hearing about how “incredibly difficult” and “shit” the game was; which actually piqued my interest and got me playing this obsessively for two weeks straight

    The intro of this game is super badass; Arthur is doing the deed with this girlfriend only for the literal culmination of all things deceptive and evil, Lucifer himself, shows up and steals your chick. Now that’s what I call a story. Satan went right? OK – I’m going right; going to FRICK this guy’s day up and get my girl back. That’s all you need to know. No in-game ancient iPads like in a modern Zelda game to give you waypoints and tell you where to go and why – you know you are going right and you know are you are going to fuck up satan and maybe get a BJ afterwards. Friggin Dope.

    It took me a really long time to beat the first level.. At first the game is incredibly frustrating, and then it sorta continues to be incredibly frustrating – albeit in different ways. It took me a while to get a hang of the controls and the jumping – which feel extremely stiff compared to a Mario platformer or whatever. But once I got a hang of the controls there was plenty of other shit to frustrate me

    Anyone that’s played this game probably has a love/hate relationship with the item system. The majority of the items in this game are pointless, and are just for score, which you’ll lose as soon as you get game over. However, you keep your weapon after you die and even after getting Game Over. Which is great if you have the knife, but is a nightmare if you have that red circle thing of uselessness. I remember a decent chunk of my playthrough time was farming for the knife or even a spear at some desperate times. Weapons also never disappear off the screen, so there are some items where the game pranks you and forces you to ditch your knife for useless weapons.

    However… At a certain point you just accept the inevitable failure and all the frustrations that come with it and your mind enters a state of Nintendo-Hard Zen of Preparing To Die.. until what the heck? did I just beat this? Wow!! That wasn’t so bad…

    The red devils aren’t as bad as people make them out to be once you get their pattern down and either have the spear or the knife. There are an insane amount of them in some of the levels but IIRC you can “scroll” kill some of them which makes the whole thing more manageable

    All that being said – you have infinite continues. The game over screen is pretty pointless since you aren’t going to care about score anyway unless you are some kind of G+G prodigy actually playing this game for score. Since you continue at checkpoints (and with your weapon), the game gives you as many chances to retry parts of the game as you want – without much penalty (other than potentially grabbing a useless weapon). Since this game never “sends you back” (well besides the halfway point of the game), this game honestly isn’t as frustrating in some respects as some classic games where you find yourself replaying stuff that you have already completed. I mean – you do have to replay the entire game, but just once instead of once for every time you run out of lives.

    There is some nintendo-power-ey stuff in the later levels that I disapprove of but I don’t want to spoil anything…

    By the time you beat the game the first time, you’ve probably put enough time into the game so that a second run through isn’t that tough. I don’t remember struggling much on the second leg of the game after already beating it and spending so much time with Arthur and the Red Devils. Yeah, it’s definitely a cheap way of making the game longer but.. are you really going to cuck out to Satan just because you don’t want to beat a 2D platformer twice???

    NES port of Ghosts and Goblins isn’t as bad as people say but it’s not really that good either. Be aware that a certain level of masochism on the player’s part is recommended to get through this

    Final Score:

  • Mock says:

    Don’t hate the playa, hate the game! Go check out my GnG post on the Game Hub forum:

  • Refia says:

    I didn’t play it as a kid but I struggled through it as a teenager. This game is very unfair, it just spams enemies at you. But there’s just something about it that makes you wanna get thru it all. The torch existing at all is basically a giant troll, and one of the moments in gaming that has me sweatin the most when I have to jump around/over one that fell on the ground. I plan to replay this on stream soon and get the TRUE endin so look forward to it!!! I still don’t think it’s a great game though honestly the checkpoints could be permanent or the challenge could be adjusted…yeah it’s NES where everything is hard but this game stands out as harder than even most of the era. 50/100 Fine

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